Mistake One: Pricing your home incorrectly. Our home is the biggest personal asset we own therefore we often get emotional in putting a value on it. We seem to always end up on the high side. This wastes time and money in marketing the property. The best way to price the home is to use CMA Comparable Marketing Analysis. If you price the home wrong it won’t sell and will usually be on the market for a long time. When eventually it does sell it will often sell for a much lower price as buyers become wary about why the house has been around for so long. Price attracts buyers to a property. It is not wise to list high and be very negotiable as this deter buyers from even looking a tyour home. Best to consider similar properties recently sold as a comparison and set a price close to what you would accept. A property listed and sold quickly is not sold too cheap. It has sold at a fair market price.

Mistake Two: Not presenting your home so it looks it’s best for any potential buyer. Presenting your home incorrectly could cause buyers to look elsewhere or offer a lower price than you could have received. You could do the following to ensure best results. Make sure the home is clean and tidy.Coffee on before an open home creates a welcoming smell accompanied by fresh flowers in lounge,dining. Make sure the lawns are cut, fix any broken windows and have the carpet cleaned if necessary. Touch up any paint work. This all adds to the presentation of the home. Presentation is very important; make sure your home feels homely. Open curtains and blinds to make the home light. If you have a tap that is leaking get it fixed. Visual impact to a buyer is critical First decision is often made on first sight. Little things that only take time can be fixed for a small cost are the most important things to concentrate on. Eg,. Lawns, garden, trim shrubs, wash house, clean carpet.

Mistake Three: Not marketing your home correctly. Your property must be promoted to give it elevation above the other thousands of homes on the market. The buyers must be sourced and the property must have all the benefits exposed to their advantage. The right marketing will ensure you get the maximum price for your property. You should always have one professional looking sign (but never more than two) outside your home. Too many signs sends the message “I’m desperate to sell make me a low offer.” Buyers are not fools they will not pay any more than comparable sales. Priced too high and the home will sit on the market and become stale. You will never get anybody to pay as much for a stale loaf or bread as you would a fresh loaf. An Auction marketing program will often eliminate this problem because of the large volume of potential buyers generated in a short time.

Mistake Four: Not handling the negotiations correctly It is often very hard to sell your own property as you are too emotionally involved and you don’t have the same negotiating power. You will often get a better result by employing the services of a professional real estate.

Mistake Five: Not using the services of a professional real estate agent. People often significantly underestimate the time and effort required to sell their home when they try and do it themselves. There are dozens of little things that a professional agent will do to quickly market and sell a home that are often not obvious to the average home owner. Many professional agents will already have a ready pool of buyers they can show your property to. They can screen out time wasters, reduce concerns about security and often save you a lot of time and inconvenience.

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